
Showing posts from March, 2013


Intro My best day was when I first got my Wii. Body Craving     -I've had many play date with my friends     -They all had a Wii     -got jealous and wanted one myself Effort     -Saved lots of money for wii     -Took months and months     -finnaly had money Getting it     -Went to Walmart     -was very excited     -bought the Wii went home     -I could finnaly play video games     -could understand what games friends talked about in school Benifeits     -Excitement            -was never bored            -looked at the world more positively            -always excited           Center of attention            -in parties always have one fun thing everyone can play with Conclusion My nest day ever was when I got the Wii because it brought positivity and excitement into my life
Can I have this! If I were to convince my parents to do buy something I would do the following:  beg super hard, I will make an offer "if you do this I will do this" promise, and if nothing works threaten. First of all, I am going to beg. I would have to beg with my charm speak. For example I would beg them until they feel sad for me and buy what I want. I would also prove to them why I would want this item and why I need it. For example, if I have 1 nerf guns and I want another one, I would prove my parents that I need another one so that me and my little brother both have a gun                If begging doesn't work, I would make an offer "if you do this i will do this" promise. For example, I would promise to improve my grades, cleanup my room, and to promise to never beg again. Lastly, if else fails I will have to threaten them. I will threaten to beat up my younger brother, make mess in my room, and tell secrets to my grandparents that would get