
Showing posts from February, 2013


OUTLINE Intro      The argument is that should we add two extra weeks to school? There is an argument in favor and there is an argument against. I believe that the cost of adding two weeks outweigh the benefit of education on the students. Body       First of all, many of the students and teachers are not getting enough time off. Whenever they get to school they are always stressful and tired. The teachers and students need a break. The students and teachers hardly get to spend time with their parents and friend. Adding two more weeks to school are just going to make things worse. There is only so much students can learn in a year. If the students have already learned everything, then what was the point of adding those two weeks?      Secondly, this idea will cost the district a lot more money. They will have to pay the teacher, Janitor, principle, etc. They will also have to pay for electricity and water. All of this can add up to at least a thousand dollars just for two wee


OUTLINE Intro              -Imagine two weeks more of school, cutting into your summer vacation! I believe that students should not have to go to school two weeks earlier for 2 reasons: students and teachers need a time off, and it will cost the district more money. Body       Need time off              -Teachers and students need a break              -They need for family time      Cost               -Will have to pay the teacher, Janitor, principle, etc              -Will have to pay for electricity and water       Others may say it improves education              - I agree              -But I believe that that the cost for the district and the stress on the students outweighs the                         -             benefits of education on the students. Conclusion            -In Conclusion I think that giving the students a bigger time off, and keeping the school prices are more important for two weeks of extra education. 
Introduction      Ramesses II was a great  pharaoh  who ruled  Egypt  from 1279  BC -1213  BC for 66 years which was one of the longest reigns . The first thing that comes to your mind about pharaohs of Egypt is Ramesses II. Ramesses II had built many monuments to prove all his significance.  Ramesses II led many successful campaigns to expand his empire into neighboring lands. So the  neighboring  countries had conflicts with Ramesses II.   He  was  born in 1300  BC as  scion of the 1 9th dynasty and died at 1213 BC.   He lived to be 96 years old. Overall h is  citizens, priests, military were happy under his rule.  Family life       Ramesses II was born in one of the greatest families in the world.  His  mother was queen Tuya, and his  father was Seti I. Seti I Had won many battles against he Hittites empire in many successful campaigns.. Ramesses II's grandfather was Ramesses I.  Ramesses II had a huge family. The rest of the children are unknown.  Ramesses II had about 2
Introduction              -Dynasty, time of reign                   -19th dynasty                   -ruled from 1279  BC -1213  BC               -Profile:                   - born in 1300  BC                   -died at 1213 BC                   -lived to be 99 years old        -Ruled:                    -citizens, priests, military felt happy to be ruled my Ramesses II.                    -Ramesses II went on many campaigns to the neighboring lands.                    - Neighboring  countries had conflicts with Ramesses II Family life            -Family                    -had about 200 wives and loved them all.                    -mother was queen Tuya                    -father was Seti I                    -had about 96 sons and 60 daughters Accomplishments         - Achievements                     -He kept the Egyptian government very stable                     -Expanded the Egyptian empire                     -He built Abu Simbel, Abydos, Kanak, Ramesse
Introduction        -Profile:                   - birth, death, age       -Dynasty, time of reign                   -which dynasty         -Ruled:                    -How the subjects (citizens) felt                    -How the neighboring countries felt                    -How the military felt                    -How the priests felt Family life          -Family                    -relation with wives                    -relation with mother                    - relation with father                    -relation with children Accomplishments         - Achievements                      -He kept the Egyptian government very stable                      -Expanded the Egyptian empire                      -He built many temples, cities, monuments to prove his glory.                      -He recorded the first peace treaty in the world. It was with the Hittites.         -Monuments                     -Abu Simbel, Abydos, Ramesseum, and Luxor. Major Confli
Preparations                Excited:                         - First time on our own for a week out in the woods It was the day I've been waiting for. It was January 21, 2012, Monday. I was going to Walden West! I got ready as quick as a snap.                Fearful:                         - Miss parents                         - Miss house                         how will you take care of your self for so long                         mom worried if I will eat right I was sad to leave my house, my parents, and my little brothers. I  don't  know If I can take care of myself for a whole week without my parents. Who will force me to eat my food and wear a jacket so I  don't  get sick.  But at the same time I was very excited of what lied ahead. When I got to school I sat with my friend Justin. Then we both got on the bus. Journey     Excited: On the bus Justin and I  talked about what might happen in science camp.                - Meet fr

walden west outline

OUTLINE   Preparations               Excited:                         - First time on our own for a week out in the woods             Fearful:                         - Miss parents                         - Miss house Journey Excited:             - Meet friend - Talk about where we are going             Fearful:                         - If we will make it there safely                         - What awaits us?                         - How nice the teachers will be?                         - What kind of food will they serve?                         - How the weather will be. Arrival Excited:             ­- Arrived safely             - Beautiful Mountain             - Trails all around us             - Teachers are nice and funny             - The food was great              - Nice weather                          - All my fears vanished