
Showing posts from 2014
Arjun Agrawal 5/6/14 2* The Bugatti Veryon (car) The Bugatti Veryon speeds on the road, Almost as fast as sound. It has four wheels within a code. It ’s  texture is as rough as the ground. The Bugatti shines with paint. They are very fashionable. It shines like the sun up high as it is not faint. It has many specific designs and features like a toy model. The Bugatti works like a human. With its many features. It looks like a super car,  Except it just cannot fly The Bugatti has a variety of colors. They can be as pretty as rainbows, or signs for travel This beautiful car provides us transportation, almost like an airplane If it were the only car in the world, without it, we could go just about no where.

Samurai VS Knights

Arjun Agrawal 5/1/14 3* Were the Similarities between Samurai and Knights Greater than the Differences? Samurai are fierce warriors from Japan. Knights are strong fighters from Europe. Samurai and knights have many similarities and differences. Clarified by the documents provided, I believe that samurai and knights shared more similarities than differences.  To begin with, document E shows Sam u r a i and Knights shared the same code of honor. In the document it states, “The samurai confines himself to practicing the way; should there be someon e...  who transgresses [does wrong] against these moral principles, the samurai summarily punishes him and thus upholds proper moral principles in the land...” Another part of the same document states, “With great ceremony each [knight] took the vows of true knighthood, solemnly promising to do no wicked deed, to be loyal to the King, to give mercy to those asking it, always to be courteous and helpful to ladies, and to fight in no

Should video games be considered a sport?

Intro      Hello, I am Arjun Agrawal and I am in seventh grade from Quimby Oak middle school. Today we are debating if video games should being considered  a sport. Unlike many, I believe that video games should be in same level as sports! Body      1. Entertainment/Entertainment           -Sports provide entertainment. The intensity of two teams competing, gives you thrill rides. When your team wins, you feel glorious and finally happy.           -Video games provide similar entertainment. You get the same thrill ride and you feel just as happy when you win. The only difference is, you can do all this from the comfort of your home with opponents across the planet.                     2. Teamwork/Teamwork           -In sports, you have to cooperate with others. In the game of soccer, two people cooperate to evade the goalie and score.            -This is similar in video games. In the game of Zombie Apocalypse, there is an extremely powerful monster at the end of the game.

Should the U.S. act as an international police?

AGAINST:      1. If the U.S. government acts as an international police, they risk many American lives and resources. For example, two countries have a conflict with each other. If the U.S. gets involved, many American people will die and resources to support the war will be used.      2. The U.S. can never be sure which side to really fight for. The U.S. government may pick the wrong side to fight for. For example, say there is an aggressive country and a prey country. The aggressive country may use propaganda to get the U.S. to fight for them.       3. Acting as an international police makes the U.S. responsible. If anything bad happens to a country, the U.S. is the center of focus. They will blame the U.S. for every problem they have. The U.S. may have nothing to do with it, but they will be blamed anyways .

What I would like to change about school

Intro      Hello, I am Arjun Agrawal and I am here to talk about what should be changed in school. I believe  school can improve food services in three ways: Body      First of all, the school should give healthier food options. Obesity rate in children are going up. As per national survey 1/3 of the children are obese. Some of these foods served in school cafeteria include, fries, burgers, burritos, etc. They are really high in calories, and fat. Instead school should add more healthy options such as salad and sandwiches.      Next, the school should be more environmentally friendly. When you consume an animal you only get 2-3% of the energy from the plant,. The rest  is wasted. Eating food directly from the plant will reduce this wastage. Many children around the world are starving. The food we save could be used to feed them.        Lastly, the school should be more sensitive to children with food allergies. As per national survey ,  1 in every 13 children have food allerg

Should school days be longer?

Intro Hi, I am Arjun Agrawal, from Quimby Oak middle school. I am here to talk about whether school days should be longer, or the same. I believe that school days should be the same for three reasons: 1. First of all, too much school time will take time away from other important things. One important time is family time. During this time family members cooperate to complete household work. They also have fun by joking and playing around. Another important time is time for extra curricular activities. During this time some students play sports. These could be things such as tennis or basketball. They get exercise out of this. Other students take learning classes. This is where students can compliment what they are not good at in school. 2. Secondly, too long of a school day can stress students. Students can only learn so much in a day. When they are taught too much, they get stressed out. Stress gets them get exhausted. This leads to poor performance. 3. Lastly, adding more s

JFK's assassination research paper

     President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, when he was riding in the presidential motorcade. An investigation team called The Warren Commission, made a big case about Kennedy assassination. It turns out there were many suspects, but the case has not been solved due to political pressure. The murder  Before the murder       John F Kennedy was on his way to Dallas, Texas, for a presidential campaign. There was a huge crowd on both sides of the street. Everyone was cheering and screaming for Kennedy. [3] During the murder      As Kennedy drove past the building of School Book Depository, 3 shots were fired. Kennedy got hit twice in the head and once in the neck. Soon he died. Everyone was shocked. [3] After the murder      After the murder, the police did a search in all the building around Kennedy's death. They eventually found a sniper owned by L ee Harvey  Oswald in the  Texas School Book Depository building. According to the

Has social media benifitted today's society? Or not.

1. Social media is very engaging. It gets kids addicted. In absence of it, they get weary, grumpy, and jittery. Counter argument: Social media can be limited by parents. Then kids won't be able to use it as much, therefore preventing addiction. Rebuttal Social media can't be limited by parents. Kids are always finding loopholes and bypasses. I am a poster child of this. My parents have never been able to stop me from playing video games. 2. When kids are exposed to social media, they stop interacting with people like their parents, siblings, and friends. They only care about hanging-out online with people who share their particular interest. Counter argument Kids will get to interact with people who share their particular interest. Rebuttal The interactions with these people may not be as deep. It could be things like. "Yo Yo, wassup!?" Since they both also share the same online interest, there wont be much to talk about.  On the other hand, you can ha

Should screen time be limited to students or not?

    Should screen time be limited for students, or not? Some people say that screen time is good for us since it can relieves stress.  Others, including me, say that screen time should be limited as it is bad for us. Here are three reasons why, excessive screen time ruins our health, destroys our mental health, and lowers our spirit.       Kids spend majority of their time playing video games. This damages the lenses in their eyes. Soon, they lose their ability to see things far away. Thus having to wear thick glasses. For example: My parents never played video games when they were young. They don't have glasses. My little brother plays lots of video games. Now, he has glasses. Next, video games make kids sit around all day. This makes kids obese. Unfortunately about 30.5% of Californian students are obese. A major contributor of this are video games.       Video games are very entertaining. Addicting games such as: Minecraft, flappy birds, League of legends, Call of Duty, are

JFK's Assasination

President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, while riding in the presidential motorcade. Accused of committing the John F Kennedy assassination was Harvey Lee Oswald, although multiple conspiracy theories are still in existence regarding who was behind Oswald's plan. John F Kennedy newspaper accounts make up a large portion of the records relating to his assassination, as well as most of the evidence available through the Warren Commission, which was established on November 29, 1963 to investigate the assassination. John F Kennedy assassination newspaper accounts summarized a great deal of the evidence examined by the Warren Commission, contained a myriad of photographs relating to the assassination, as well as the famous motion picture or moving images obtained by Abraham Zapruder of the assassination. After 1992, the evidence collected by the Warren Commission was ordered to be made available to the public, including records rela

Should we have a longer winter break?

      Did you get enough time during your winter break to do all your favorite activities? I certainly did not! I planned to do activities like play video games, hangout with my friends at the park, and to visit Great America. Unfortunately, majority of my time was spent with my family, thus I was unable to accomplish my plan. Neither were my friends able to do the same. Therefore, I believe, we should increase the amount of time in winter break.  I believe that we should have time for relaxing, having fun, and having thrill!                                                               School days are very harsh and stressful. Everyone is running around from class to class carrying a heavy backpack. When they come home they have to do hours worth of homework and studying. After all these stressful moments, we need to relax. I believe the best way to relax is by spending time with your family. I look forward to spending time with my cousin brothers, grandparents, uncles and