Martin Luther King

By: Arjun Agrawal

Martin Luther King was an American civil rights leader fighting for colored people, so they can have equal civil rights.

Martin Luther King once said, “The time is right to do what is right.” Right means to do something good for this world. What was right then was to end segregation between people.  Today, in the U.S., all humans are now equal.  

Today, right has a new meaning. We humans need to extend our humanity to other creatures of this world. While I was going to Las Vegas this Christmas, I saw thousands of cows standing to get slaughtered!! The place smelled really bad. This is when I asked questions and researched to find out that we treat animal more cruelly than ever before.

In United States, we are not raising animals in farms any more. They are raised in a factory, in small cages. In these cages, animals can barely move.  Animals are piled up inside the cages which are full of manure. Animals are forced fed things they will never eat. Herbivores are fed grains mixed with meat of other animals. They are injected many drugs to grow them faster and not get sick. Before animals are slaughtered, they are tortured. Chickens are de-beaked alive.

With these factories, we are also polluting the environment. We clear so many forests to raise grains to feed animals.

Demand for meat is making humans hunt animals to the point where they are becoming extinct. Many species of fish and shrimp are endangered. 

Animals need to be raised in farm. The government should pass and enforce laws to stop animal cruelty and to reduce the amount of extinction. We need to eat less meat and promote vegetarianism. This will least reduce cruelty and the pain to other creatures that have equal right to live on this world as we do.  As Martin Luther said, “The time is right to do what is right.” Today time is now right to stop animal cruelty.


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