What I want to become when I grow up.
When I grow up I want to become something that will help me change the world. There are many career options that I like to consider: an engineer, a doctor, an architect, or a college teacher.
Why you want to become engineer
I want to be a mechanical/chemical engineer to help make cars more fuel-efficient. I want to do that by adding solar panels that are lighter and efficient.
What will you do when you do?
Engineers are creating many fuel-inefficient cars. They are reducing the weight and making them have more aerodynamic shapes. But they don't add solar panels to produce energy as they increase weight of the car. I will create solar panels that are very light and dense in producing energy. I will add these solar panels to the cars others make.
How will that change the world?
Cars contribute to 40% of the CO2 pollution. These solar panels will reduce the CO2 pollution by 10%. This will reduce our energy dependence on oil and coal that causes most of the pollution.
Why you want to become doctor
The biggest disease is HIV. Millions of people are dying from it. I want to find cure to HIV.
What will you do when you do?
Doctors are not experimenting enough to find cure for HIV. They are treating patients with known therapies. I think if all doctors tried different experiments and therapies for HIV, we would have a cure to HIV right now. I will become an experimental doctor that will push the limits to find better drugs to find cure to HIV. If I can't find cure for HIV, I will research to improve the management of HIV condition to not develop into AIDS.
How will that change the world?
By finding cures to HIV, I will save millions of lives.
Why you want to become architect
I want to make buildings that save energy and are attractive.
What will you do when you do?
Many people are just focusing on making building look pretty and not focusing on making them energy efficient. I want to make buildings energy efficient and pretty. I will design houses that will keep the them cool during summer. I will use windows with anti reflective coating and ligther color tiles to reflect the sunlight from heating the house. I will use attic fans to cool down the heat that rises into the attic. For winter, I will use double or triple pane windows, and use more insulation to stop heat from escaping. At the same time I want to make sure the designs are pretty. I will work with material companies to develop green materials to be more beautiful.
How will that change the world?
My buildings are going to be very pretty. As a result many people will adopt to this type of building. Many architect will adopt to my design too and it will spread around the world. As a result most of the buildings of this world would have my energy efficient designs. This way the world will save a lot of energy.
Collage teacher
Why you want to become a college teacher
I want to teach many students to become smart.
What will you do when you do?
Many teachers don't understand feelings and emotions of students. As a result they are very harsh to students. When this happens the children don't want to learn much. I want to be a teacher that understands students emotions and feelings so the students will learn more.
Many teachers don't understand feelings and emotions of students. As a result they are very harsh to students. When this happens the children don't want to learn much. I want to be a teacher that understands students emotions and feelings so the students will learn more.
How will that change the world?
I will make most of the students enjoy education. They will all soon become smart. As a result the students will get a good job and earn good money. This way they won't get involved in street crimes to survive and get respect. This way many neighborhoods will get safer and the world will be more peaceful.
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