Should We Learn From Our Mistakes Or Not?

Should We Learn From Our Mistakes Or Not?

By: Arjun Agrawal


     "Whoops, I forgot to do my homework!" We are all humans. We all make mistakes! I believe we should learn from our mistakes. We should learn from our mistake because, problems reappear often, problems compound over time and facing difficult situations build confidence to face an entirely different challenge.


Problems reappear
       First of all, the situation that led to event in question will likely arise again as history tends to repeats itself. I have experienced this situation before. When I took a math test I got a few answers marked wrong. I didn't care to understand what I did wrong. At the end of the year, there was a star test. Some of the same exact questions from my previous test, were on this test. I got a 85 percentile.  Maybe if I had payed attention to the questions I got wrong in the math test, I could have gotten a 95 percent tile.

Problems Compound
      Next, situations in life are often similar, they will tend to build upon. I've been in a situation like this before. My little brother and I always had problems. We argue a lot. My dad told me that I should show some "leadership" skills. Leadership skills will make an agreement. I didn't even bother to listen. A few weeks later, I participated in an after-school group program called Odyssey of the mind. There we had to make a skit all by ourselves, without parents help. For the skit I had many good ideas. But I kept pushing everyone around. So they just resisted me and never listened to my ideas. This led to the downfall of of my stature/standing in the team. We did win first round. But we didn't win the second.  I think we could have won the finals if I could have convinced the team to listen to my great ideas.

Confidence to face new problems
      Lastly these difficult situations present challenges that we must face to build confidence to face entirely different challenges. I had to face some challenges before to gain confidence. For example, when I had to take a complicated science exam, I didn't know many of the answers. So I took my teacher's feedback. On the next test I did much better. So when I joined the soccer team, I had no idea how to play it. So I went to my parents to get some answers. I eventually learned how to play soccer. Now I am a pro in it. So whenever I need help, I learned that I should just take feedback.


     As you can see, we should learn from our mistake because, history repeats itself, situations in life are similar, and we must face difficult situations to build confidence to face entirely different challenges.
 I believe path to future success is by reflecting on your past. I am going to maliciously/RIGOROUSLY  make sure I learn from every mistake I ever make.


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