Should We Raise the Gasoline Prices for Cars?

 Global warming has been higher than ever. Glaciers are melting. Soon the oceans will overflow and make earth inhabitable.

 This is because we are burning too much gasoline. Thus polluting our atmosphere.

 We have to reduce the use of gasoline. The only way to do this is by charging carbon taxes on gas. We should charge carbon tax gas for the following reasons.


 *Taxing gas
    -people will drive less: they will plan to use

    -People will use alternative methods of transportation: Bus, train, etc
     people will alternative energies: solar roof/wind energy for charging electric cars instead.


 *commodities will become more expensive. Producers will have to pay more to ship their items to he consumers. For example
               -farmers will have to ship their foods to the market, using lots of money for gas.Thus increasing food prices.
               -Factories have to use gasoline to ship and produce their goods. Thus increasing commodities prices.

    -Poor people area already struggling to get food and commodities.
    - Since the prices are increasing they wont have the money to get the goods.
          -Will eventually go homeless

    -But this problem can be solved.
         -we can use the excess taxes by donating it to the poor.
         -we can replace all the vehicles with electric or solar powered machines.
                     -This will be even better for the poor!


    In conclusion, we should carbon tax gas. If we do this, he use of gasoline will decrease. Thus the planet will be able to go on for thousands of years.


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