Bobby Braun

On October 27, 2011, Bobby Braun writes about the funding problem of NASA. He talks about how advanced we are in space technology. The only thing limiting NASA is funding. Braun  persuades his audience that U.S. government should continue to invest in NASA, by inciting patriotism, showing the true potential of NASA, and showing the economic benefits of investing.

       First, Braun tries to motivate his audience by inciting patriotism. He talks about how America is a strong leader in aerospace.  For example, Russia is investing heavily in aerospace, and they are close to taking our lead in aerospace.We need get enough funds to stay above Russia. Thus, for the pride of our country the audience should invest in aerospace. With a sense of competition and urgency is how Braun persuades his audience.

       Secondly, Braun talks about the true potential of NASA.  He mentions how NASA was the ones who “defined rocket science,” and made aerospace possible. They can create things like vehicles for delivering astronauts and cargo to low-Earth orbit, developing a crew vehicle and an evolvable heavy-lift rocket, and advancement of a suite of new in-space technologies that will allow us to send explorers safely into deep space for the first time. All of these innovations are critical building blocks for the space exploration future. All of these are something that people inspire people.  They would be willing to invest in that. 
Lastly, Braun talks about the society benefits of investing into NASA. With the investment in NASA, there will be a creation of new high-tech jobs. These new jobs will help aid the suffering American economy. Braun also states how all of today’s technology has all advanced from the nation’s investments in aerospace technology; NASA. Imagine how much you love your phone right now, however your phone can still improve with further research into technology. He argues whatever you invest in NASA, flows back to society in terms of advancement of society living.

       In Conclusion, Braun convinces his audience to support the governments funding in NASA by, emphasizing the pride for our country, showing how much it is building the future, and showing how our everyday lives are improved. This he hopes is enough for his audience to support the funding of NASA.


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