- Do I make a good president for Public speaking debate club? I think so. Most important quality for a class president is leadership. I have: leadership at home, and at school.body
Leadership by helping siblings
I inspire my siblings to do the best they can in what they love. My younger brother loves cars. So I inspire him to be a car engineer
I inspire my siblings to do the best they can in what they love. My younger brother loves cars. So I inspire him to be a car engineer
I encourage them to learn and try out new things.
I encourage them to learn and try out new things.
-constructive feedback
Whenever they make a mistake I correct them an give them constructive feedback.
Leadership helping parents
-help clean up the house
Whenever my siblings make a mess I clean it up for them
-remind them for classes and parties
Many times when we are late for parties, I hurry up my parents. . Therefore getting out of the house faster.
Whenever my siblings make a mess I clean it up for them
-remind them for classes and parties
Many times when we are late for parties, I hurry up my parents. . Therefore getting out of the house faster.
Leadership in helping students
I inspire my friends to keep on going and never give up.
I inspire my friends to keep on going and never give up.
I encourage my friends to do whatever they want to be when . they grow up. My friend Justin loves this game called Minecraft. So I ecourage him to be a video game desginer.
Whenever my friends are giving aspeech and they are nervous, I . tell them to imagine a giant tomatoe on the audience's head
-constructive feedback
Whenever they make a mistake I correct them
-constructive feedback
Whenever they make a mistake I correct them
Leadership to solving school problems
Problem: because of the budget cuts, school has little money for teachers and programs. Teachers have little salary. Class time is getting shorter
-Collect money door to door from parents
-Distributing brochures to make parent aware of the problem. parents can vote in ballot to allocate more money to education.
-give teachers bigger salary
-extend class time
-In conclusion, I think I would make a great president for the public speaking debate club because I am a great leader and I can donate lots of money
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