Response To Literature: "Both Sides of the Fence"

The story, "Both Sides of the Fence" by Teresa Bateman describes a character named Alberto who learns a valuable lesson, to not be selfish.

Alberto owns a very beautiful tree. Alberto brags about his tree to the whole city. His neighbor Juan admires and reaches out to Alberto. Since Juan was admiring something that did not belong to him, Alberto got mad. Alberto wanted to stop Juan from looking at his tree. So to block Jaun's view he built a giant fence.

In the middle of the story, Alberto's tree's branches lean over to Jaun's land. Later on, the tree dropped some apples on Jaun's land.  Juan made an apple cake and gave it to Alberto as a thank you gift.  Even after building the giant fence Juan still had access to Alberto's apples.  Alberto thought that Juan was insulting him. This made Alberto furious. I believe that instead of blaming someone, Alberto should have appreciated that Juan made an apple cake for him.

In the end of the story,  Alberto made a complaint to the mayor. The complaint was about Juan insulting Alberto with the apple cake. So the trial was going to take place in a few days. The mayor suggested that in order to win the trial, Alberto had to think of Jaun's point of view. So Alberto thought and thought about it. So Alberto went to Jaun's house and asked him why Juan made that cake. Jaun explained that he wanted to thank Alberto for the apples that dropped on his land. He soon realized that the cake Juan made was a thank-you gift. He saw that helping others has a reward, such as the cake Alberto got from Juan. Thus, Alberto learned his lesson not to be selfish. He canceled the trial and shared his apples with Juan.

All in all, Alberto learned his lesson not to be selfish. He realized the rewards of generosity.I think this lesson should apply to the whole world.We all share the problem and the lesson of this story. Many times we don't see how selfish we are. We need to see the other person's point of view. We have to look at the big picture.


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