Tuesday 5/29/12 Today I got a permission slip to go to the farmers market which was tomorrow. I also got one for raging waters which was for Friday. When I came home today I made this cardboard boat and made it float in the pond in our backyard. It was really cool and strong. It even had a sail! Then I had dinner and got all my permission slips signed by my parents. Then I went to sleep. I look forward to making that boat better and maybe even make it glide in the air!!

Tuesday 5/29/12
Today I got a permission slip to go to the farmers market which was tomorrow. I also got one for raging waters which was for Friday. When I came home today I made this cardboard boat and made it float in the pond in our backyard. It was really cool and strong. It even had a sail! Then I had dinner and got all my permission slips signed by my parents. Then I went to sleep. I look forward to making that boat better and maybe even make it glide in the air!!


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