My name is Arjun Agrawal. I am a 16 year old teenager in High School. I have received a lot of feedback stating that I have social anxiety and am scared to mingle with strangers. I will be taking three steps towards addressing this. I will play less video games, play more physical games with familiar people, and interact more with strangers. Firstly, I vow to play less video games. Video games give instant gratification and happiness. This creates addiction. Addictions to video games consume a lot of time. It takes away time from interacting with other people or playing outside. Playing less video games will create much more space for social interaction. When I am invited to play basketball with my friends, I don't join. This is because I am afraid that I will embarrass myself. Therefore, I dedicate some of my free time playing physical games with familiar people to build confidence. First, I will play basketball with my l...
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