- Problem:
- A large asteroid can hit earth. In past dinosaurs had
been wiped out because a giant asteroid hit earth.
- Global warming is melting all our glaciers. Ocean waters are
rising. This will probably flood our planet.
- Solar Flare can burn our shelter and food supply.
- Many such events can destroy human race.
- Solution:
- If we will have a secondary planet colonized, human race will
- Basically if there are eggs in two baskets and one burns
down, the other basket will be there to hatch the eggs.
2. Resource exhaustion
- Problem:
- Human's population is rising.
- Humans are absorbing many resources
- Running low on resource: food, water, oxygen and shelter.
- Humans need to have second planet for more resource.
- Mars has water, some air, and the sunlight.
- We humans can go start small colonies soon.
- Then we can grow those colonies. It will take 100 or more
years to grow colonies to significant size.
- If we start when we have exhausted our resources, we wouldn't have
resources and time to colonize mars then, it would be too late.
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