Monday 11/12/12 Today, was the day I hated most, the day I had to go to school and dance for PE. We did this video of how to dance from the 1970!!!! The video told us to do a bunch of totally inappropriate moves like hitting you butt with someone Else's!!!!!! I did not know why the government let it be even legal to teach kids those type of moves. I hated it. At the most inappropriate stuffs NO ONE did anything. Everyone was just standing there. But the teachers actually tried to encourage us to do those inappropriate moves. I can't believe that my principal didn't fire the teachers for putting such a video on. I hope that next times PE is more appropriate!!

Monday 11/12/12
     Today, was the day I hated most, the day I had to go to school and dance for PE. We did this video of how to dance from the 1970!!!! The video told us to do a bunch of totally inappropriate moves like hitting your butt with someone else's!!!!!! I did not know why the government let it be legal to teach kids those type of moves. Everyone hated it. Because it was inappropriate, everyone just stood there. But the teachers really tried to encourage us to do those inappropriate moves. I can't believe that my principal didn't fire the teachers for putting such a video on. I hope that next times PE is more appropriate!!


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