Rhyme: Once upon a midnight DREARY, while I pondered weak and WEARY While I nodded, nearly NAPPING, suddenly there came a TAPPING Presently my soul grew STRONGER, hesitating the no LONGER Deep into that darkness PEERING, long I stood there wondering FEARING Open here I flung the SHUTTER, when, with many a flirt and FLUTTER Nothing farther did he UTTER-not a feather did he FLUTTER Alliteration: Once upon a midnight dreary, W hile I pondered, W eak and W eary While I N odded, N early N apping From my books S urcease of S orrow - S orrow for the lost Lenore For the r are and r adiant maiden And the s ilken s ad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Some late visitor E ntreating E ntrance at my chamber door